Being a parent into videography I get to shoot lots of school function videos. Award ceremonies, concerts and plays etc. My kids are 11 and 8 years old so at that age the elementary school likes to make a big deal of these things. And rightly so. It’s fun to watch the kids and parents too. I like to see what camera type toys the parents are using. I see cell phones, DSLR’s, Mini Dv camcorders, ( which is what I am using for the video quality and editing ease) flash drive and hard drive camcorders, point and shoot cameras and today I saw a dad shooting video with his tablet p.c. That was a first. A few go to the back and set up on tripods ( again this is me) and some rush right up front to get close ups with cell phones. With so many choices in equipment and the quality of newer technology it’s a lot of fun to shoot some great video footage, go back and edit into a nice movie that the family will watch again and again. So parents keep shooting. Keep it steady and bring extra batteries. Jeff